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Poster Presentation

The participants will be required to create and present a scientific poster(Click Here for Example) on any topic of their choice, preferably with some relevance to the world of mathematics. Here, the quality of explanation, aesthetics of a poster and the overall presentation will be judged. The topic doesn't need to be an output of any original work/study; you could go ahead and present a poster pertaining to whatever area you might be interested in presenting.

1. Participants must submit their scientific posters, latest, by EOD (end of day) on 20th March 2021, at
2. Each participant will get 10 minutes to present their paper, and that will be followed by 5 minutes of Q&A by the judges.
3. The poster presentations should be made preferably on LaTeX. Other formats will be accepted though.
4. The judging will be done on the basis of aesthetic quality and the oral presentation/explanation of the topic by the participants.
5. The dimensions of the poster should preferably be 36-inches (height) by 48-inches (width).
6. Minimum recommended text sizes are: 85 pt font for the main title, 36 pt for subheadings, 24 pt for body text, and 18 pt for captions.

Note: Unlike with the paper presentation, the poster presentation doesn't need to be about an original topic. Participants are free to choose any mathematical topic they might be interested in, and create a scientific poster out of it.

The winner will receive a cash prize of 1500/- and the runner up will receive a cash prize of 1000/-

Paper Presentation

Writing and presenting one's work and the results of one's study is an integral part of being a researcher, be it in the field of academia or as an industry professional in an R&D department. This event is meant to provide students with a suitable low-risk environment to present their work or any study that they might have done, in the format of a proper PowerPoint/Beamer presentation, which could prove to be a valuable experience moving forward. Participants will be required to send in the abstract of their presentation beforehand, so that we may assign appropriate teaching staff/professors to judge their presentation. These more minute details will be informed soon.

1. The participants will be required to submit the abstracts of their papers beforehand so that the organising committee can assign professors from the appropriate subject domain for judging their work. They may either submit their abstract along with the registration form, or mail them to us latest by 5:00 pm, 18th March 2021, at
2. Each participant will get 15 minutes to present their paper, and that will be followed by 5 minutes of Q&A.
3. Participants will be required to mail the presentations to us by EOD (end of the day) by 19th March 2021; that is, two day prior to the actual event date, which is the 21st of March, 2021.
4. The presentations should be made preferably on LaTeX. Other formats will be accepted though.
5. The judging will be done in one or two rounds depending on the number of registrations for the event. In the case that the event is held in two rounds, the best three presentations from the previous round will go to the next round and the winner will be judged from among them.

The winner will receive a cash prize of 1500/- and the runner up will receive a cash prize of 1000/-


Most of you must have heard about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. You might even already know that it has to do with encoding and decoding. But have you ever wondered how it works? Whenever a person A sends a Bitcoin to a person B, it is sent in some encrypted language, which can be thought of as a mathematical problem. There are thousands of people called Miners, who solve the problem by decrypting (decoding) it.

Cipher 2.0 is all about the decryption of such encrypted codes where the participation is expected to be in groups of 2 or 3. So, let's see how you would fare in resolving such mathematical problems. Don't miss giving it a try!

Mode - Online
Communication - GMeet via Break-out Rooms & WhatsApp
Format - Round Wise Pdf
Time Limit – 2 hours i.e., from 13:30 to 15:30
-There will be 7 rounds and if Tie occurs then there will be a Tie Breaker Pdf.
-Instructions Pdf will be provided as the first Pdf While Solving Cipher 2.0
Preferable Team Size – 2 to 3 members

The winning team will receive a cash prize of 2000/-

HEX Tournament

Hex is a two player abstract strategy board game in which players attempt to connect opposite sides of a hexagonal board. The game has deep strategy, sharp tactics and a profound mathematical underpinning. It has a combination of graph theory, game theory and artificial intelligence.

1. Each player should try to connect opposite sides of a hexagonal board. One player will connect from top to bottom or vice versa and the other from left to right or vice versa.
2. The one who successfully connects the opposites side of the board without any breaks will be the winner.(Due to the topology of Hex board, tie is impossible.)
3. If one of the player exceeds the provided time then the opponent will be declared as winner by default.
4. The participant who lost the game will be eliminated from the game and is not eligible to be part of next levels.

1. All the participants are instructed to create an account on beforehand and provide username in the respective google form(will be given), and the username of participants must start with their name.
2. All the participants are required to join the Google Meet atleast 5 minutes before the time, i.e, before 15:55.
3. Each pair of participants will be allotted a breakout room in the Google meet where they will play against each other.
4. One of the participant in each room should share their screen. Volunteers will watch the game and if someone tries to cheat then he/she will get disqualified.
5. As the level increases, difficulty level will also be increased.
6. In case of network issues, inform the volunteers.

The winner of the final match will receive a cash prize of 1200/- and the runner up will receive a cash prize of 800/-


This event is about discovery, creative thought and looking at things from a different perspective which are fundamental in Mathematics. In this event the participants have to utilise their mathematical skills and analytical ability to hunt down the puzzles that are hidden throughout a website and solve them. This Maths Hunt should ideally be played by teams(2 or 3 members per team) and is open for all.

1. All participants will be joining a Google Meet and each team will be alloted a break out room.
2. A puzzle will be given in the meet chat box and WhatsApp group(created before). After receiveing the puzzle, participants may start joining their respective breakout rooms.
3. The teams have to solve the puzzle and the answer will be a keyword which will be hidden somewhere in this website.
4. Once they finds the keyword, they have to click on it and it will direct them to a webpage which will contain the next puzzle.
5. The answer of this puzzle will lead to another keyword in the website and that keyword will lead to another puzzle.
6. This way the teams have to find all the answers in the correct order.
7. After they have done that, one team member has to go to the "Contact" page in the website and
  7.1 Enter his/her first and last name and email id.
  7.2 In the message box, write all the answers in the correct order.
  7.3 Then click "Send".

The first team to send all the correct answers in the correct order will be the winner and will receive a cash prize of 2000/-